
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Welcome to Rwanda on the Wing!

I hope to chronicle the next year of my life on this blog, as it promises to be quite an adventure.  I will be working at a school in a village for young Rwandans. While there is much for me to learn and share, I will be concentrating on three of my passions:  birds, ecology, and sustainability.

Rwanda is about the size of Maryland. While Maryland has up to 429 species of birds in its territory, people in Rwanda have recorded anywhere from 675-720 species (depending on whose list you consult). I have seen in Israel some of the birds that migrate to Rwanda, but most are new species to me. In the next year, I hope to observe these birds perched in trees, singing in the bush, feeding in the lakes and wetlands, and flying overhead, or as you will hear me call out, “on the wing!”


  1. Glad to see you are posting already. Hope you have fun and a great experience!

  2. Wonderful, exciting experience for you Jared and Michele. The village in Rwanda will benefit from your presence and knowledge. Keep posting to your blog. Can't wait to read next one.

  3. Wonderful to see your blog. We are always asking how you are doing and now we can follow along with your posts. Best to you and Michele for a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Safe New Year.
    Uncle Mark and Aunt Harriet

  4. We are so excited to read your fascinating blog. We are pleased you are taking advantage of every opportunity available.
    We love you and wish you a healthy and productive New Year.

  5. Can't wait to hear about the birds and their watchers!

  6. Jared your first 2011 blog is excellent. Learning about Rwanda through your words and pictures. Can't wait for next one. Poppy.

  7. Dear Michele and Jared,
    I certainly wish I could be there for your safari experiences. I love your photographs!! I feel like I am almost there in person, well maybe not! Your blog is fantastic and well-written.
    Love you both,

  8. I love reading the blog....Love you both, Aunt D
