
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Carpentry Pictures, Enrichment Year

As promised to my enrichment year students, here are pictures from this year's carpentry program and from our final day. We built 5 sets of shelves, a projector stand, 2 benches, and helped build some of the nature park fence; it was a very successful term. Don't forget there are some photos on a previous post. Enjoy them!

Good times at Agahozo!

Measuring wingspan!

Posing, but no smiles!

First time practicing with a saw


A happy customer receiving his custom-made product

The whole crew

Happy customers (left) with carpenters (right)

Building benches

Measurement is one of the most important parts of building

This is going to be someone's Facebook profile pic for sure

Thanks to Yale Reach Out for building us our carpentry shed!

Good times at Agahozo indeed!

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